
the purpose of documentary is to gather information on the topic , to get different perspectives and they are more personal interpretative and emotional and fro research.

first you gather your interviewed your crew and write out some questions and then you go to scout out a location and then you go and check all potential hazards for sound and lighting issues and any others that there could potentially be then you would set up your equipment and make sure that the subject is focused and that they have 2 fingers width of gap above their head in the frame and they have what ever direction that they are looking on the opposite side to where they are looking also then you ask the questions and you get the person being interviewed to repeat the question in the answer making sure the speak slowly and clearly and you should have a successful interview.

question types

formal setup - so that the film maker has control
formal - more casual
open question- expanding typical starts with why
closed - used for a one word answer yes or no type of question
single - directly on one topic
multiple  - required to have more than one yes or no answer lets you have control more than one question with more than one answer each helps condense
direct - when you want to get a  straight to the point more hard hitting
leading questions - eg you mentioned  or do you think this will be the same helps you move on to another topic 
"Take some advice to help you perform to the best of your potential at an interview. These interview tips will help even the most inexperienced interviewees to shine:
  1. Common questions. Consider the most likely questions that you are going to be asked before you even get to the interview. This way you are ready and won’t get stuck for something to say. The most frequent interview questions can all be prepared for.
  2. Research. Knowing a thing or two about your potential employerwill assist you in the interview. It will help you to tailor your responses and to show you are keen. Spend some time reading the corporate website at least.
  3. Consider appearances. In most businesses looking smart is a given so you should think about what to wear carefully. True, some places take a more relaxed attitude to attire, but you cannot go wrong with conventional office wear to create a professional first impression.
  4. Focus. On the day of an interview, allow plenty of time to get there without rushing or being stressed by delays. Take everything you might need such as notebooks, pens and a copy of your CV. Remember to look your interviewer directly in the eye, focusing on what they are saying.
  5. Smile. A smile can be a powerful tool at a first meeting. Even if you feel nervy, make sure you smile because it will make you come across as friendly and relaxed.
  6. Ask something. Never say you have nothing to ask at the interview. It makes you seem disinterested so always have a few questions to ask your interviewer planned in advance.
  7. Make notes. Even if you are taking everything in, making a note creates the impression that you are paying full attention. This is one of the best interview techniques for people who want to come across as conscientious.
  8. End positively. When the interview is approaching an end try to conclude on a positive note. This could be as simple as saying something like, “I look forward to hearing from you.”

to set up an interview 

you set up the camera and tripod 

set up lighting using the 3 point key system

get the subject slash the person that you are interviewing and have his sit in frame so that you have him in focus and so that you can attach the mic and make sure that you are recording audio displayed by the raising and lowering bars on the screen 

ask your question and conduct your interview making sure that the person being interviewed uses the question in there answer so that you do not have to use the question in the edit

pack down when finished 

Even if you get put off mid-way through an interview by a difficult question, try to regain your composure and move on. All is not lost if something goes wrong. Remember that it may have tripped up other interviewees too.
TASK; after studying each mode, reflect on which one you feel is;
a) the most interesting
b) the most ‘honest’ method of working
c) the most effective at achieving a sense of realism Please provide justification for our responses and examples from the texts you have looked at to support your ideas.

the most interesting

Preformative Documentary
The most confusing of the modes (often confused with participatory) preformative raises questions about filmmaker and subject performance – the notion of the filmmaker and their subjects actively creating the documentary by performing certain actions. The performance of the documentary maker is central to the way the documentary is constructed.
Like Reflexive Documentary, it raises questions about knowledge
Endorses definition of knowledge that emphasises personal experience
Tries to demonstrate how understanding such personal knowledge can help us understand more general processes of society
May "mix" elements of various documentary modes to achieve link between subjective knowledge/understanding of the world, and more general understandings, i.e. historical ones.

if it raises certain questions then i think that it can be interesting and interesting 

the most honest

Participatory / Interactive Documentary
Participatory is a documentary mode where the filmmaker does not remain distant from the subject matter, but actively engages with it- by openly participating or interacting with the people and institutions on show. This documentary form is far removed from the detached (observational and poetic) or the straightforward didactic (expository).
This mode wants to engage with individuals more directly while not reverting to classic exposition interview styles
It allows filmmaker to account for past events via witnesses and experts whom viewer can also see
Archival footage becomes appended to these commentaries to avoid hazards of reenactment & monolithic claims of voice of god commentary
i think this because if you can have this and then have it not stray or having it stay strict to the subject matter then it must be quite honest 

the most effective
Poetic Documentary
The poetic mode will seem more suggestive and use ‘associative’ editing to capture a mood or tone rather than make an explicit argument about the subject. Evoking a mood rather than stating or asserting things directly. Occasionally you may question whether you are indeed watching a ‘documentary’
Does not use continuity editing, sacrifices sense of the very specific location and place that continuity creates
Explores associations and patterns that involve temporal rhythms and spatial juxtapositions
Opens up possibility of alternative forms of knowledge to straightforward transfer of knowledge

i believe that it is this one because if it is drawing out an opinion and making you emote from this then i believe that it is very good and effective as well as i believe that it is good if it makes you question it and think about it as well as draw an emotion and opinion from you

comparing documentary

we watched 2 different documentary one was the conspiracy theory of the murders of 2 pac and biggie and exploring the events of there lives and murders as well as we watched a happier documentary of stop motion with dream works and the Aardman production company and there story as well as what they did and how they did it.

these documentary have several differences and similarity's as well as there are differences in them as well as in the first documentary there is a lot of travel where the main character or creator goes around different towns and states and speaking to different people building a story as well as seeing different types of people which all have different types of connections and relevancy towards the topic as well as in the other documentary there is a different style that they follow where everything is shown with in one building and with in one set and one place instead of going around different place and going to people every one came to you to be interviewed

as well as they both a type of archive style of documentary because in both they use some of the original footage or image to explain or show what they want so that they have evidence or so that they have show there what is being talked about such as in the Aardman documentary they have original footage of the final product as well as they have footage to show how it was made such as they have an interview with David tenant who is a voice actor as well as showing him recording his lines  as well as in the biggie and 2 pac documentary there is original versions of the music and them in the studios as well as pictures and security footage moments from the murder

there is other different paces to the documentary such as in the Aardman documentary it is a slower pace because every thing is shot in one place and in the other documentary due to the thing that he travels and moves around a lot that he has a faster pace making it feel a lot faster

also there is the thing of the introductions because they both start the same where they both give you a back story and introduction to what they will be talking about such as they give a background to the character and company building a story and background and scenario so that the audience has a good idea if whats happening and to give all views and opinions on the topic and letting the audience have there own opinion and feelings about the topic

the other type of research is research that i have done first hand i have been looking through other documentary that show  what remains that there are in this area as well as i have been doing first hand information about the war and my family history and how we were involved in the war and what claims that my family have to medals such as the Victoria cross and the George medal and i have researched the events that these took place in such as my family have a claim and was awarded with a Victoria cross for heroism and the battle that took place in which was operation good wood " Operation Goodwood was a British offensive in the Second World War, that took place between 18 and 20 July 1944 as part of the battle for Caen in Normandy, France. The objective of the operation was a limited attack to the south, to capture the rest of Caen and the Bourguébus Ridge beyond, forcing the Germans to keep powerful formations opposite the British and Canadians on the eastern flank of the Normandy beachhead Goodwood succeeded in this limited aim and Operation Cobra, the First US Army attack which began on 25 July after a delay, forced the German defences opposite to collapse. At least one historian has called the operation the largest tank battle that the British Army has ever fought " - Wikipedia 
and i have a lot more information and details about the operation and other family members that  have severed and showing there stories and memories and i have also looked at other memories and remains in the local area such as there is a large ww2 collection that is  at mucleburugh tank museum that show large collection of weapons vehicles models and replicas and on occasion they have live reenactments and the options for tank driving and they have a large military knowledge base 

the full documentary is in link bellow and showing full information on beach landing  and then leading into operation goodwood

these show evidence of Francis barber at time stamp 31 : 02 
also i want to use some of the archive footage from this piece as my fifty seconds of allowed footage such as the landings on gold beach and the tank battles and reminders of operation good wood 

(isaascs 1973)

and some of operation good wood from the following links 

these links explain operation goodwood and the events of it and give me some good archive footage of what is happening and information to talk about explaining the operation - and the rest of this series 

(isaascs 1973)

for my main idea and audio and voice overs i was looking at purnells history of the second world war magazine series i was looking at volume 66 battle of the hedge rows and this volume covers the Normandy landings with Omaha gold sword utar juno leading in to the campaign to push trough France towards caen a German occupied city  that needed taking and i learnt a lot i learnt what where how and why covering the whole operation and i also used this to look fro archive footage but unluckily found nothing but fortunately i found out that i can use the information in these magazines and then turn these in to line for a voice over to give context and explain the operation.
Image result for purnell's history of the second world war

(watt 1975)

i have also been looking at the world at war also i have been looking at world war 2 in colour these have helped me a lot and this also gives me inspiration and ideas such as layout ordering and creative choices such as framing the order of shots where and when to put in archival footage and how to relate the topics and what is on the screen to the music and from the interviews and the archival footage as well as these help me and tell me a lot about my subject as well as they are useful to make sure that i am accurate and every thing i say and is seen is correct but it was very useful to find out what i need and what i can say on the subject  and record my audio and choose my stock footage

such as i looked at the morning 1944 the world at war episode 17 because this shows the events of d day leading in to Normandy
Image result for world at war documentary Image result for world war 2 in color

(isaascs 1973)                                                     (martin j 2009)


  1. Good start to the project Tom. You have outlined the purpose of documentaries and briefly analysed two documentaries. In addition to this you have broken down how to conduct yourself during a Job interview. This is useful to know but isn’t relevant to documentary filmmaking. In future, ensure that you are reading through everything and not just taking it from websites. Please revisit this and create a step-by-step guide to conducting an interview for a documentary.

    Similarly, I would like you to revisit your work on the modes of documentary as you have only included the one that you research. I would like to see evidence of all the modes and examples of each. To expand this further, talk about the different effect each has on the viewer (for example, what we don’t see the filmmaker or hear a voice over in observational documentaries, how does that make the audience feel about the topic?)

    An area to develop is the research into your documentary subject, it’s clear that you are very knowledgeable about WWII but what I need to see is that you are looking at websites, videos, books, etc and using the information that you’ve gather to support and develop your documentary idea. For example, if you read in an interesting quote on a website that might help with writing your voice over script, I want to know.


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