
I had one other idea but I decided to now do that due to lack of information and resources and there was no body to realistically do an interview with them making it pointless and my original idea was to do a documentary around an 60s/70s war comic called the victor which I personally collect and I felt like it would have been a good idea but for the reasons stated above I think it was wise for me not to do it because I have no idea about the original designer and writers and the fans are few and far between so I decided  to cover something that I am passionate above and cover a war based topic and go with operation goodwood. And after doing my research I thought that this was a good idea and decide to go through with it because I looked at other war based documentary’s such as world war 2 in colour and I looked at the world at war and I saw and thought that I could do that and decided to and when I looked further I saw that there was a lot that I could do with it and I decide to produce it.
The idea worked very well and I think that that was due to the fact that I had a passion in to the subject and I had been watching other war based documentary’s and that sparked the idea and the fact that my family and I were discussing it and I thought I would try and produce it and in my head it worked because it did  everything that it needed to because it was informative I have learnt from peer feedback and It was also emotive because in my peer feedback it is mentioned and that is what I wanted it do and I believe that it did .And if I had another chance I think that I would have tried and done my original idea because I think that I could have worked if I had done a lot of research but with the time limit I am not sure whether it would have been doable but I would have given it a try

In my research I looked at a lot of things such as I looked at the codes and conventions of a documentary which was very helpful not with the idea but with the production and they helped me learn how to set it up and what I needed to make it work and what I would need to make it a proper documentary and able to make it worthy of the marks that I would need. The research that I did in to my topic was very good and effective because I think that I had a large amount of available information and I found all of my archival footage helping to build my idea and make my documentary more interesting also it helped me to learn more about my topic making it better due to the fact that I learn more meaning the more information that I could put across. Also all of the information that I had gathered on to how to make an interview was very important and useful when coming to produce and conduct my interview.
Overall my research was very important and useful because I think that it helped me expand my idea and help me produce it making it better and more interesting for the viewer because I looked at both how one is produced and how the final product should look helping me expand my idea and helping me to understand and make my final piece better.

My planning did not go to plan and I do not think that I should have done it the why that I did because I think that my time manage meant was awful because I kept on putting things of rather than getting on with it meaning that I fell behind but the production documents that I did was good and useful because it helped me know how to produce my documentary and how I was able to do produce my documentary because my risk and reece form helped me to realize what I needed to do and helped me lay out the equipment and it helped me realize what I wanted to film and where and how I wanted to conduct my interview .
Also my time management needed a lot of work because I always kept leaving things to the last minute which was a mistake on my part because I think that I should have done thing s when I should have and I think that it should have been a lot better with my time management because I should have filmed earlier and filmed out the paperwork for that making it a lot easier when coming to production which but I developed it and made it better and I made up the time but I think that I should have done a lot better and made it eiase4r on myself by sticking to a schedule and time plan in the future

I was very happy with how my final piece turned out as because I have done and produced the thing that I wanted such as I made a piece that got an emotion out of a person and helped inform people and share a family reminder which I have done which I know from my peer research I had no problems with my production  and my piece turned out the way that I wanted it to do  and there is not much more that I would have done differently next time the only thing that I would have done is to make sure that I leave myself a lot of time as well as I wish that I could have visited caen Normandy and go to gold beach and get some before and after footage to make mine more engaging and interesting to help my project but overall I am happy with what I produced


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