
Working Hypothesis and Interpretation
What are your persuasions about the world you are going to show in your film, the main “statement” that you want to emerge out of the filmʼs discussions?
Write a hypothesis statement incorporating this wording:
·         In life I believe that:
·         My film will show this in action by exploring (situation):
·         The main conflict is between:
·         Ultimately, I want the audience to feel:
·         and to understand that:

in life i believe that the lesser known operations of the second world war should be known more because a lot of people lost their lives in these operations to help secures a better world as well as they deserve the honour that they deserve and to bring light on to what they have done

my film will show this in action by exploring all angels and exposing the full backstory of the operation and all of the brave people that took place in it as well as there will be original footage supporting the things that get talked about as well as a lot of angels that  i want to show and support

the main conflict is between the German army against the american British and Canadian forces

ultimately i want the audience to feel appreciative and shocked on what has happened and the story that i am ultimately trying to tell and to understand that these lesser known operations are still important

Write a concise paragraph about:
1. Your filmʼs subject (person, group, environment, social issue, etc.)
2. The necessary background information the audience must have to understand and to be interested in the enclosed world you intend to present. Be sure to show how this information will emerge.

My idea  and film subject is so that i create a short documentary around reminders of the war in Norfolk by visiting remains and museums and talking to enthusiasts and family members so that i can have a personal elements and a good way to transition on to my family and on to the main aspect which is operation goodwood
i want to do my about the war in Norfolk as well as i want to cover my family involvement with the war and the main area of action which was operation goodwood and the d day landings on gold beach leading in to operation goodwood

the necessary background information that i will need is so that i have all correct information and as well as there is correct and accurate information that is in other documentaries as well as all of the other information and archive footage that i would have been using

Main Characters
Write a brief paragraph about each of your main characters. For each include:
1. Who (name, relationship to others in film and so on)
2. Where (where does this person fit in the scheme of things?)
3. What (what is this characterʼs role, what makes the character(s) interesting, worthy of special attention and significant? What is this character trying to do or to get at?)

there is only one main character and that is my dad and my interview which features him in that and for voice over through out as well as there name is Adrian Fletcher married as well as he fits in as an accurate war enthusiast and have several links to the military and there situations  and his role is to explain certain things as wells as give a personal effect to it 

What is at issue in this film? Consider:
1. Who wants what of whom?
2. What conflicting principles do the characters stand for?
3. Does your film put different principles in opposition (of opinion, of view, of vision and so forth)?
4. How will we see one force finally meet with the other? (the “confrontation”—very important)
5. What range of possible developments do you see emerging from this confrontation?

i want people to learn about certain operations in the war that were important but lesser known my characters stand for what was happening and there emotions and reactions to what happens in the operation and the events and outcomes   of what happened the conflict arises when people learn about this and what they haven't known before as well as i have shown other things which i hope people can learn from and take an experience away from this 

Audiences Biases
To make a documentary means not only using conflicting “evidence” to put forward your subjectʼs dialectics, it also means knowing what stereotypes or expectations carried by your audience your film must deliberately set out to alter.
1. Biases (may be positive or negative)
2. What alternative views, facts or ideas does the audience need to understand?
3. What evidence will you show to get the audience to see those different truths?

i will be showing original footage and archival footage to get my point across as well as i will be showing all of my other original and correct as well as accurate information i will do this to get the truth as well as i want them to be 
On Camera Interviews
For each interview, list:
1. Name, role in life, metaphoric role in filmʼs dramatic structure
2. Main elements the interview will seek to establish

 Adrian Fletcher he works in a pub called the hour glass in sculthorpe as well as his rowel in the intelligence and source of  information for my interview the main element is to cover our family's history in the military as well as there  is the element of covering real life events during the war such as gold beach and the campaign from France and Normandy called operation goodwood

Write a brief paragraph on how you hope to structure your film. When you are doing this, consider:
1. How will you will handle the progression of time in the film?
2. How and at what point information important to story development will appear
3. What you intend as the climactic sequence and where this should go
4. How this relates to other sequences in terms of the action rising toward the filmʼs projected “crisis” or emotional apex and the falling action after it
5. Sequences or interviews you intend to use as parallel storytelling

The structure of my project is so that i would start with cu rent remains of the wars that have taken place around norfolk as well as having and letting it be the opening and a statement that remains form important events are still here as well as covering main and important area which i sone of the main topics with in my documentary which covers the landing on gold beach as well as operation goodwood
Form and Style
Any special considerations in shooting or editing style that might further your filmʼs content.
Here you might comment on narrative, lighting, camera handling, type and amount of intercutting, juxtaposition of scenes, parallel storytelling and the like.

i want my edit to be darker and more serious when covering operation goodwood because it was a dark and serious event that needs to be covered and due to how dark it was it needs the right tone and lighting that needs to be correct for the topic and everything will be fully factual and covers the events in a normal story type which is told in chronological order

Write a brief paragraph about how you imagine your film will end and what you would like the ending to accomplish for the audience. Comparing any intended ending with the filmʼs beginning also exposes what must accomplish as a story to get there. The ending is your last word to the audience and has a disproportionate influence on what the film will mean.

i want my film to end with silence and i want the audience to feel sad and consider what they have been told  and seen and reminisce on it so that they have got to realise what happened and why they are here and what the operation is about and how serious it was and make them realise 

Unique Qualifications
Why are you and no one else in the world uniquely qualified to make this film? Do you have access to the subject that no one else has? Are you making a personal film that only you can make? Do you have a unique personal experience to share?

because in my film the main subject is operation goodwood and my dads uncle fort during operation goodwood and  landed at gold beach and as a close family member it would been a good story and there were very few people closer and making it look and feel better also the film covers and interview with my dad who i am very close with as well as 

Briefly address any obvious problems of feasibility, practicality and so on.
i have not encountered any problems with my piece and i am very happy with the outcome and the only problem that i have encountered was my time management and how i managed my self but that is something to learn for latter and for other projects but apart from that everything went well 


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