essay how can creative choices effect our perception

how can creative choices effect our perception

perecpetion is the way we view things or as the official description " the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses."- google and the creative choices is how and what we choose to let the audience see and how we let them see it such as we have choices over mise en scene micro an macro elements and many more to make people see and think of different things in the way that we want them to see it such as in lighting there is many different things you can do in lighting such as if you make the lighting dark then it i will make it dark and scary making it look and early and scary which make us think that way but it was light them it would cheerful and colourful rather than dark and depressing depending on the filmmakers choice and what they want to show and portray as well as  there is shot type such as high and low angle shots make us think the thing in shot a different way such as if there is a high angle shot then the people in frame are perceived as being very weak and insignificant and if you had a high angle shot then you would have the people in frame looking very strong and powerful. 

Image result for high and low angle shotsImage result for high and low angle shotsRelated image

creative choices are every thong during the pre and post production of film making such as what we choose to show and how we choose to show that and what that means to my audience and how we want them to feel and the same apply to the same thing when we choose what to show and do when it comes to editing  such as in my documentary i want them to feel welcome and engaged during the interview parts and when covering current remains and i want them to feel heart broken and sorry when showing archive footage and i have chosen them to feel like that my is of editing because i made it feel bright and warm when showing interviews and current footage but then i made it dark and slower when showing my archive footage to make it feel more hard hitting 
Related image so that i can make them feel that way and have them release the situation and tone that i am trying to portray to them in the way that i did it as well as there is the use of music in film and music and audio is very powerful when trying to get a message across to the audience such as if would add sad music it would make the audience feel sad with the message with in the edit as well as it works the other way as well as if you had happy and encouraging music it make the audience feel inspired and interested in what you are showing 

there is also the ability of editing and how you edit can portray different things to the audience such as the pacing with fast and slow paced edits if there is a fast paced edit then it would typically be a car chase or a gun fight filling the audience with excitement and adrenerlin but it was a slower paced edit then it would be a horror film or scene to build tension or a conversation so that the audience can build up sespence or gather information depending whats happening on screen 
Image result for car chase

then there is the use of colour if it is black and red or darker and scary colours then it portrays something completely different compare to a bright yellow and blue scene one make you feel scare or worried and the other make yo feel lovey and happy and what colour you use or manipulate can tell the audience a lot and do a lot to there perception mood and feeling and it is  important to make them feel that way and the way that matches your edit and the way you film it with in pre production and post production so that you can make the audience preserve and feel the way that you want them to so it is important to maintain a consistent tone with in and through out you entire piece and that stay the same for everything that i have talked about with the sound edit and camera so that you get the feeling from the think that you want so that if it portrays suspense then you have the visuals the edit and the music all matching together so that when the audience watches they all match and the audience preserve the thing that you want them to and so that you have the desired response and you get the feeling and atmosphere that you want across

Image result for star wars ep 7 knights of ren
you also have to think about who you are showing your piece to which is a difficult task to get it perfect  as well as what they want and what they want to feel so if you have an older audience then the would feel something completely different to the people of a younger age group so you have to bear all of this in mind when you go through he whole process of film creation as well as thinking about who will watch you piece and buy it as well as what you want them to film
Image result for audience


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